small animals

Rabbits & Guinea Pigs.

Regular grooming is necessary for a rabbit or guinea pig:

  • in case of entanglements;

  • at skinning;

  • with contaminated fur, e.g. B. by urinary gangrene or faeces;

  • to prevent the hair from getting in front of the eyes so that they have less eyesight.

When the fur is contaminated, flies emerge and lay eggs in the fur. These eggs then hatch into larvae. The larvae then nest. This is called myiasis (Maggot disease). This is very painful for the animal and many rabbits end up not surviving. A trimming treatment keeps the hair short and therefore there is less chance of urine or feces lingering in the long coat that attracts these flies.

All of the above symptoms can make your rabbit or guinea pig more anxious, more difficult to eat his or her appendix, or more difficult to keep clean because of the hair getting in the way.

Improper treatment can also cause complications such as stunted hair growth or too much stress or anxiety leading to a rabbit or guinea pig developing medical or behavioral problems.

Therefore, it is important that you go to a specialized rabbit and guinea pig grooming salon.

Rabbit trimming method

Skinned rabbits and guinea pigs are an emergency because their skin can no longer breathe independently. This starts to scald and this causes severe itching on the skin. Skinning is also very painful because the skin is very sensitive. This can lead to medical problems like stopping eating or your pet can even die from it.

Good maintenance is therefore crucial!

During the treatment I analyze the fur so I can apply the right treatment because every rabbit or guinea pig has a different hair texture. In addition, I check the skin and entire body for medical abnormalities.

During treatment, I pay full attention to your animal. This is important because I can observe his behavior and body language and react when the stress level gets too high. Rabbits and guinea pigs are naturally prey animals and therefore very sensitive to stress. With my calm and my own energy level, I make sure that your rabbit or guinea pig feels comfortable.

My prices are per treatment because I adapt to your rabbit or guinea pig to keep the care experience as positive as possible. With every treatment you will receive free advice on the care of your animal. This way, even after the treatment, you can work yourself to keep your rabbit or guinea pig's coat in good condition.

The well-being of your rabbit or guinea pig is always my top priority!

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