
Your cat needs a hairdresser too

Just like a human's skin and hair, a cat's skin and coat also needs regular cleaning. A cat can have a clean and well-groomed, tangle-free and shiny coat all year round. Whether at home or with the support of a cat hairdresser, correct and timely fur care is crucial for beautiful cat fur.

You don't have time to groom your cat or you can't cope with the grooming? Does your cat have knots, felt, scales, stringy or greasy fur? Does your cat shed so much that the hair is spread all over the house? In one of the catmosphere cat salons near you, our cat groomer can help you to solve these problems.

What can we do for your cat

Stringy, greasy, dirty fur? Knots or felt in the fur? dandruff? Weird smell? Long, sharp claws? Glued cat sand on the paws? Disgusting stuff sticking to your butt? Dirty ears? Excessive tears? Does your cat shed so much that the hair is all over the house?

If you answered YES to one of the questions, then an appointment in our cat salon is the right thing for your cat. In our cat salon, your cat will be cared for in a professional and species-appropriate manner.

We can help solve these problems! Do you have questions? We are happy to help!


Years of experience in dealing with cats, a lot of experience in cat fur care, completed specialized vocational training, as well as regular further training - enable us to work competently with cats.

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